Saturday, March 21, 2009

Blogging in my head

I added a logo to my blog tonight, B.W.O - Blogging without Obligation. What a refreshing idea. As months go by and I add nothing to my blog, semi-guilty thoughts run through my head. Why did I set up this blog in the first place if I never use it? Then I try to feed the ego with thoughts that I must have a pretty busy, exciting life if I never sit down to blog. Experience with no time to write about it. I wish - most of my experiences lately are driving 3 girls around town. I count the amount of times I am in and out of the house each day. Not such great fodder for blogging.

So I came across BWO from following another link on Kali's blog. I liked the idea so much, it inspired me to blog about it. That's a start anyway. But no, I won't abandon the blog because I never know when I might need it or plain want to use it. Lately, I have most definitely been blogging in my head, mostly during those rides around town. Nothing coherent is left by the time I get home and honestly, the last thing I want to do is sit at the computer and type.

Tonight, I'm using it to share the BWO find as well as keeping myself awake until I have to pick up Teresa from the high school. Tonight was the last performance of Hello Dolly and the cast and crew are staying late to clean up, then I have to run her to the cast party, which thankfully is a sleepover.

Damn, I'm exciting!

1 comment:

KaliDurga said...

Isn't B.W.O. great? I snagged it from Thus Spake the Crow ( Too bad it can't be applied to more things in life. Just think...

"Bill-paying Without Obligation"

"House-cleaning Without Obligation" (Well, I guess I actually live by that one already...)

And the best-- "Working Without Obligation"

Ah, if only ;)